Shut Up, Kiss Me, Hold Me Tight
Shut Up, Kiss Me, Hold Me Tight
All Our Beats Are Belong To Us
All Our Beats Are Belong To Us
Let Me Be Lost
Let Me Be Lost
Dongs of Sevotion
Dongs of Sevotion
Je J’aime
Je J’aime
Flux Capacitor
Flux Capacitor
Break the Forth Wall
Break the Forth Wall
Fondly, Debbie Tenders
Fondly, Debbie Tenders
We Are All Each None of Us Perfect
We Are All Each None of Us Perfect
Today is Tuesday
Today is Tuesday
Make Noise!
Make Noise!
Waking Life
Waking Life
Come and Knock on My Door
Come and Knock on My Door
Fireflies by the Crib Light
Fireflies by the Crib Light
It's December Time
It's December Time
Ts Ch Ch
Ts Ch Ch
Glitch Bitch
Glitch Bitch
I'm Not Crying, You're Crying
I'm Not Crying, You're Crying
Calmer Than You Are
Calmer Than You Are
Four Shades of Blue
Four Shades of Blue
Son of Sons, King of Kings, Moon and Stars
Son of Sons, King of Kings, Moon and Stars
Nice Things are Nice
Nice Things are Nice
And Still Somehow
And Still Somehow
Quail and Dumplings
Quail and Dumplings
Keep It Delicious
Keep It Delicious
The Mailman Doesn't Come at Night
The Mailman Doesn't Come at Night
Auspicious Beginnings
Auspicious Beginnings
They Built an Ice Cream Shop
They Built an Ice Cream Shop
Nothing Doesn't Exist
Nothing Doesn't Exist
Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap
Sunset on the Digital Strip
Sunset on the Digital Strip
Halcyon Days
Halcyon Days
The Cold Shoulder
The Cold Shoulder
White Guy in Shorts
White Guy in Shorts
Hungry Ghost
Hungry Ghost
A Formidable Component
A Formidable Component
All of It
All of It
In the Land of the Blind the One-Eyed Fish is Kween
In the Land of the Blind the One-Eyed Fish is Kween
Ashtrays and Art
Ashtrays and Art
Between Methadone and Menopause
Between Methadone and Menopause
Paper Boats on the Ocean
Paper Boats on the Ocean
Game Over, Insert Coin
Game Over, Insert Coin
Touch Me
Touch Me
Deaf for Days
Deaf for Days
Wow and Flutter
Wow and Flutter
Pissing in the Wind
Pissing in the Wind
Give All the Fucks
Give All the Fucks
Porcuscle2022acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas36” x 36”
Shut Up, Kiss Me, Hold Me Tight
Shut Up, Kiss Me, Hold Me Tight2022acrylic and embroidery thread hand sewn into canvas24” x 48”
All Our Beats Are Belong To Us
All Our Beats Are Belong To Us2022acrylic and embroidery thread hand sewn into canvas30” x 24”
Let Me Be Lost
Let Me Be Lostacrylic and embroidery thread hand sewn into canvas36” x 24”
Dongs of Sevotion
Dongs of Sevotion2022acrylic and embroidery thread hand sewn into canvas24” x 48”
Je J’aime
Je J’aime2021acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas24” x 24”
Flux Capacitor
Flux Capacitor2021acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas24” x 48”
Break the Forth Wall
Break the Forth Wallacrylic and thread on canvas202030” x 42”
Fondly, Debbie Tenders
Fondly, Debbie Tenders2021acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas30” x 30”
We Are All Each None of Us Perfect
We Are All Each None of Us Perfect2021acrylic and thread on canvas20” x 66”
Flutterby2021acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas18” x 24”
Today is Tuesday
Today is Tuesday2021acrylic and tread on canvas48” x 36”
Make Noise!
Make Noise!2020acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
Waking Life
Waking Life2020acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”
Come and Knock on My Door
Come and Knock on My Door2020acrylic on canvas30” x 15”
Fireflies by the Crib Light
Fireflies by the Crib Light2020acrylic and thread on canvas18” x 24”
It's December Time
It's December Time2020 acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
Ts Ch Ch
Ts Ch Ch2020acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 30”
Glitch Bitch
Glitch Bitch2020 acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 30”
I'm Not Crying, You're Crying
I'm Not Crying, You're Cryingacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”2020SOLD
Calmer Than You Are
Calmer Than You Are2020 acrylic and thread on canvas30” x 30”
Four Shades of Blue
Four Shades of Blueacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 36”2020
Son of Sons, King of Kings, Moon and Stars
Son of Sons, King of Kings, Moon and Stars2020acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 36”
Nice Things are Nice
Nice Things are Nice2019acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
And Still Somehow
And Still Somehow2020acrylic and thread on canvas30” x 36”
Quail and Dumplings
Quail and Dumplings2019acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”
Keep It Delicious
Keep It Delicious2019acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 48”
Schadenfreude2019acrylic and thread on canvas54” x 22”
Forget-Me-Now2019acrylic and thread on canvas16” x 42”SOLD
The Mailman Doesn't Come at Night
The Mailman Doesn't Come at Night2019acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 36”SOLD
Auspicious Beginnings
Auspicious Beginnings 2019acrylic and thread on canvas72” x 36”SOLD
They Built an Ice Cream Shop
They Built an Ice Cream Shopacrylic and thread on canvas201912” x 36”SOLD
Nothing Doesn't Exist
Nothing Doesn't Exist2019acrylic and thread on canvas96” x 96”
Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap2019acrylic and thread on canvas30” x 30”
Sunset on the Digital Strip
Sunset on the Digital Strip2019acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”
Halcyon Days
Halcyon Days2019acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”SOLD
The Cold Shoulder
The Cold Shoulder2019acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”
White Guy in Shorts
White Guy in Shorts2019acrylic and thread on canvas20” x 20”
Hungry Ghost
Hungry Ghost2019acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”SOLD
A Formidable Component
A Formidable Component2019acrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”SOLD
Corpuscle2019acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 48”SOLD
All of It
All of Itacrylic and thread on canvas36” x 36”
In the Land of the Blind the One-Eyed Fish is Kween
In the Land of the Blind the One-Eyed Fish is Kweenacrylic and thread on canvas30” x 40”SOLD
Ashtrays and Art
Ashtrays and Artacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
Between Methadone and Menopause
Between Methadone and Menopauseacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
Paper Boats on the Ocean
Paper Boats on the Ocean2021acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas24” x 24”
Stalagmite acrylic and thread on canvas24” x 30”SOLD
Game Over, Insert Coin
Game Over, Insert Coinacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
Touch Me
Touch Meacrylic and thread on canvas30” x 24”SOLD
Deaf for Days
Deaf for Daysacrylic and thread on canvas20” x 20”
Wow and Flutter
Wow and Flutteracrylic and thread on canvas24” x 30”SOLD
Pissing in the Wind
Pissing in the Windacrylic on wood panel20"x20"
Give All the Fucks
Give All the Fucksacrylic and thread on canvas24” x 24”
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